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4th Annual Charity Car Show
Thank you to everyone who came out
and joined us for this great event!
Thank you to everyone who made our
day as successful as it was!!!
Through all of our sponsors and
attendees, we will be donating
$10,906.00 to America's VetDogs

We had the privilege of presenting our check to Mark Tyler from America's VetDogs along with a group of his weekend puppy raisers and their puppies in training! You will see one of the weekend puppy raisers is wearing our car show t-shirt. That's Sarah, she is one of our volunteers and you may recognize her as the girl that walks around and take a bunch of amazing pictures of your cool rides. Sarah has decided to become a weekend puppy raiser for America's VetDogs and is currently caring for VetDog in training, Shep, on the weekends. We were fortunate enough to present them with a check in the amount of $10,906.00 to America's VetDogs, which was raised through our charity car show.

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