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3rd Annual Charity Car Show

Thank you to everyone​ who came out

and joined us for this great event!  

Thank you to everyone who made our

day as successful as it was!!!

Through all of our sponsors and

attendees, we will be donating 

$10,555.00 to America's VetDogs



Today we had the privilege of meeting Mark Tyler from America's VetDogs! Mark runs the training program at Osborn Correctional Institute and other local prisons. He brought along his furry friend and service dog in training, Kenny, to visit with us. We were fortunate enough to present him with a check in the amount of $10,555.00 to America's VetDogs, which was raised through our charity car show.


Thank you to each and every one of you who attended, supported, sponsored and donated to last year’s show.  We were able to raise $10,555.00 for America’s VetDogs.  This donation was able to support veterans in the program in 2 different ways. 


The first was a Hospitality Sponsorship in which your donations were able to help feed this class of 12 graduating veterans during their two-week stay at America’s VetDogs, prior to their graduation in September, 2018

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The second was an Adult Dog Sponsorship in which your donations supported a veteran who was placed with his guide dog, Kahlo and graduated on March 23, 2019. 


We had the privilege of attending the graduation celebration and meeting this veteran and Kahlo.  Kahlo is an amazing black lab with the most beautiful light brown eyes.  She made an instant bond with her veteran and you could see the bond between the two as soon as you take one look at them.  It was humbling to be able to meet this deserving veteran and see how much Kahlo means to him and how she will help him in his every day life.  He had the biggest smile on his face as he talked about Kahlo and the training they just went through.  


All of your donations to this year’s show will allow us to help more deserving veterans obtain the service dogs they need.

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Michael Houle #579700 Kahlo #9348 (3).jp

Car Show Photos

Service Dog Charlie Meeting his new owner, Air Force Veteran Stacy Pearsall
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